Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finding Glynda

Wondering through Ambleside, a seaside community in West Vancouver, a little shop dressed in white came into view.  Intrigued...we went in.  Little did we know that Glynda, who's apparently a good witch, had opened a shop breathing new life into a tired static string of street side shops.  The shop is called Glynda (the good witch) and it's white meets black, shabby chic meets bling, spiritual artist meets girly bliss interior is just what we needed on a rainy Vancouver day. 

The artists name is Glynda Fitzgerald and she's been an artist her whole life.  She now creates canvas art and greeting cards that will blow your mind.  We thank you for having the courage to open up a shop and expose yourself to the world.  Good luck from Northshore Interiors.

Here are some samples of her work:

Canvas Art

Card Art

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Decorating with Pantone's Color of the Year "Honeysuckle"

Every year, Pantone announces its chosen "Color of the Year".  Are designers chomping at the bit?  No, not really.  Even though it's fun to creatively think of different ways to use the color, does anyone really have that kind of power to persuade?

However, when Pantone revealed their choice to be "Honeysuckle 18-2120 TCX", we were once again excited to do a search on the color.  Maybe if we keep pushing pink it will one day become more acceptable than it's current limitation to little girls, single women, and men's ties. 

Available through: York Wallcoverings

Wallpaper Available Through: Crown - Antonina Vella - Celia

Available through: Direct

Go Martha!!

Unknown Source